
I’m a Senior Applied Scientist at Amazon Prime Video where I’m part of the Playback Intelligence Team. My research interests are in Internet Video, Content Delivery and Measurements. I look to apply data driven and applied ML techniques to solve problems in these areas. I received my PhD from USC where I was advised by Ramesh Govindan.

I’m also an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Computer Science Department at NCSU where I contribute to work on emerging Multimedia applications.


11/26/2024Gave an invited talk at Uni. of Toronto’s IEEE WIE Chapter on recent research work at Amazon Prime Video.
10/29/2024I’ll be serving on the ACM CoNEXT 2025 TPC.
8/5/2024Gave a talk at SIGCOMM 2024 non-paper Industry-Academia session on the backstory behind SODA paper and briefly advertised Prime Video’s science programs.
5/3/2024SODA, an ABR algorithm backed by theoretic performance guarantees was accepted for SIGCOMM 2024.
4/1/2024My team at Prime Video will welcome four PhD student interns for summer 2024.
Old News
3/30/2024I'll be serving on the NSDI 2025 TPC.
3/28/2024I'll be serving on the EMS Workshop TPC, collocoated with SIGCOMM 2024.
10/28/2023Gave an invited talk at UC Santa Cruz on topics in Internet Video Research, I was hosted by Prof. Katia Obraczka.
9/27/2023Gave a talk at Prime Video's Career Week on emerging ML/AI themes in video streaming.
6/28/2023 Won Customer Obsession Award from Prime Video Experience Tech on development of a novel ABR algorithm for Livestreaming.